Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Evidence-Based Practice Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Evidence-Based Practice - Coursework Example These questions are meant to elicit a feedback that provides a clear understanding of the current methods that are applied in practice. These questions will inform about the issues that should be addressed or improved to make nursing practice better including patient care outcomes. The spirit of inquiry will also help me access the tools that can be used to enhance evidence-based care within my institution, thereby improving the delivery of care (Stevens, 2013). The second strategy is to use the PICOT clinical question. The PICOT question will feature the patient population, the intervention, comparison, the outcome and the time. The question will provide a means through which I can identify the most relevant information about an issue or problem of concern and enable me search for a relevant intervention in the least time possible. This will ensure that I improve patient care and care outcomes because time will be spent giving patients the best care they can receive and also save on the institution resources because these resources will be used only to implement interventions that have been researched clearly and that they can address the needs of the patient adequately. This strategy entails understanding all of its five concepts and ensuring that they are studied correctly (Dogherty, Harrison, & Graham, 2010). The third strategy entails using the Evidence-based practice (EBP) rounds. This is an effective way of addressing EBP within the institution especially because of the fact that it has a large group. This technique will enable the incorporation of all levels of practitioners and allow them to participate in the change process without discrimination. When the healthcare team discusses issues of patient progress, the EBP rounds will enable the group to discuss supporting evidence related to the change decisions in the institution. I have gained knowledge on the use of EBP and its

Monday, October 28, 2019

HVDC Light Technology Essay Example for Free

HVDC Light Technology Essay AbstractThis document reveals theHVDC Light DC transmission technology.It is used in underground transmission and moreover provides point to point transmission.HVDC Light requires only two elements namely a converter station and a pair of ground cables. The new HVDC Light cable is an extruded, single-pole cable. It is ideally suited for feeding power into growing metropolitan areas from a suburban substation. HVDC Light is inherent environmentally friendly cables instead of OH transmission lines. Virtually no magnetic field. The environmental gains would be substantial, since the power supplied via the DC cables will be transmitted from efficient power plants in the main AC grid. 1. INTRODUCTION A hundred years ago, the transformer and a new transmission and distributionbe controlled precisely and independentlycan replace overhead lines at no costcontrol capabilities that are not present oreconomically feasible to connect smallscale,Equally important, HVDC Light hasfor inefficient, polluting local generationfrequency, active and reactive power canislands, mining districts and drillingloads from a main AC-gridof each other. This technology also relieson a new type of underground cable which penalty platforms can be supplied with power frompossible even in the most sophisticated ACrenewable power generation. Renewable power generation plantssuch as diesel units. The voltage, . Connect small scale Feeding remote isolated Flexible transmission System technology, HVDC Light, makes it the main grid,thereby eliminating the needto the main AC grid. Vice versa,using thevery same technology, remote locations asthe three phase system made it possible totransmit AC power efficiently and economically over vast distances and todistributethe power toamultitude ofusers.Since then all aspects of transmission anddistribution have developed by means oftechnical improvement and evolution. This AC transmission and distributiontechnology has made it possible to locategeneratingplants in optimum locations, andtoutilize them efficiently. This has alsoresulted in great environmental gains.Thermal plants have been located wherethey can be supplied with fuel through anefficient transportation system, therebyreducing waste and pollution. Hydro plantshave been located where the hydroresources can be used at the greatestadvantage. And large generating plantshave meant fewer overhead lines than amultitude of smaller generating plantswould have required.However, today’s AC transmission anddistribution systems are, at least inprinciple, based on ideas that haven’tchanged much since a hundred years ago. To transmit power, step up the voltage withtransformers, transmit power, step downthe voltage and distribute power. Despitetheir proven advantages, it is difficult andexpensive to adapt AC transmission anddistribution systems to the numerous smallscalegenerating plants that are being built,or to the increasingly complex and variableproduction and load demands.Environmental concerns and regulationsalso put heavy restrictions on building right-of-ways and on small-scale, fossilfuelledgenerating plants, such as dieselgenerating plants.These new trends require networks that areflexible. The networks must be able to copewith large variations in load and frequentchanges in productions patterns with tougher environmental regulations.Also, in such flexible networks, the powerflow and the voltages require precisecontrol in order to make the grids stable and economic. 2. TECHNOLOGY As its name implies, HVDC Light is a DCtransmission technology. However, it isdifferent from the classic HVDCtechnology used in a large number oftransmission schemes. Classic HVDCtechnology is mostly used for large point-to-point transmissions, often over vastdistances across land or under water. It requires fast communications channelsbetween the two stations, and there mustbe large rotating units generators orsynchronous condensers present in theAC networks at both ends of thetransmission. HVDC Light consists of only two elements: a converter station and a pair ofground cables. The converters are voltagesource converters, VSC’s. The output from the VSCare determined by the controlsystem, which does not require anycommunications links between the differentconverter stations. Also, they don’t need torely on the AC network’s ability to keepthe voltage and frequency stable. Thesefeatures make it possible to connect theconverters to the points bests suited for theAC system as a whole. Power range up to 100 MW Independent control of active and reactive power Can feed power to AC network without ownGeneration DC The converter station is designed for apower range of 1-100 MW and for a DCvoltage in the 10-100 kV range. One suchstation occupies an area of less than 250sq. m. (2 700 sq. ft.), and consists ofjust a few elements: two containers for theconverters and the control system, threesmall AC air-core reactors, a simpleharmonics filter and some cooling fans. 20MW:18x12m The converters are using a set of six valves,two for each phase, equipped with highpowertransistors, IGBT (Insulated GateBipolar Transistor). The valves arecontrolled by a computerized controlsystem by pulse width modulation, PWM.Since the IGBTs can be switched on or off, the output voltages and currents onthe AC side can be controlled precisely.The control system automatically adjuststhe voltage, frequency and flow of activeand reactive power according to the needsof the AC system.The PWM technology has been tried andtested for two decades in switched powersupplies for electronic equipment ascomputers. Due to the new, high powerIGBTs, the PWM technology can now beused for high power applications as electricpower transmission.HVDC Light can be used with regularoverhead transmission lines, but it reachesits full potential when used with a new kindof DC cable. The new HVDC Light cable isan extruded, single-pole cable. As anexample a pair of cables with a conductorof 95 sq mm aluminum can carry a load of30 MW at a DC voltage of +/-100KV.Handling the cable is easy. Despite its large power-carrying capacityit has a specific weight of just over 1 kg/m.Contrary to the case with AC transmission;distance is not the factor that determinesthe line voltage. The only limit is the costof the line losses, which may be lowered bychoosing a cable with a conductor with alarger cross section. Thus, the cost of apair of DC cables is linear with distance. Insulation: 5.5 mm triple extruded Screen: Copper wire Sheath: HDPE Weight: 1.05 kg/m Voltage: 100 kV DC Current: 300 A Power: 30 MW Conductor: 95 mm^2Aluminum A DC cable connection could be more costefficientthan even a medium distance ACoverhead line, or local generating unitssuch as diesel generators.The converter stations can be used indifferent grid configurations. A singlestation can connect a DC load or generatingunit, such as a photo-voltaic power plant,with an AC grid. Two converter stationsand a pair of cables make a point-to pointDC transmission with AC connections ateach end. Three or more converter stationsmake up a DC grid that can be connected toone or more points in the AC grid or todifferent AC grids. An HVDCLight network can be configured radial or meshed,like any network. The DC grids can be radial with multi-dropconverters, meshed or a combination ofboth. In other words, they can beconfigured, changed and expanded in muchthe same way AC grids are. 3. APPLICATIONS 3.1 OVERHEAD LINES In general, it is getting increasingly difficultto build overhead lines. Overhead lineschange the landscape, and the constructionof new lines is often met by public resentment and political resistance. Peopleare often concerned about the possiblehealth hazards of living close to overheadlines. In addition, a right-of-way for a high voltage line occupant valuable land. Theprocess of obtaining permissions forbuilding new overhead lines is alsobecoming time-consuming and expensive.Laying an underground cable is a mucheasier process than building an overheadline. A cable doesn’t change the landscapeand it doesn’t need a wide right-of-way.Cables are rarely met with any publicopposition, and the electromagnetic fieldfrom a DC cable pair is very low, and also astatic field. Usually, the process ofobtaining the rights for laying anunderground cable is much easier, quickerand cheaper than for an overhead line.A pair of HVDC Light cables can beplowed into the ground. Despite their largepower capacity, they can be put in placewith the same equipment as ordinary, AChigh voltage distribution cables. Thus,HVDC Light is ideally suited for feedingpower into growing metropolitan areasfrom a suburban substation. 3.2 REPLACING LOCAL GENERATION Remote locations often need localgeneration if they are situated far awayfrom an AC grid. The distance to the gridmakes it technically or economicallyunfeasible to connect the area to the maingrid. Such remote locations may be islands,mining areas, gas and oil fields or drillingplatforms. Sometimes the local generators use gas turbines, but diesel generators aremuch more common.An HVDC Light cable connection could bea better choice than building a local powerplant based on fossil fuels. Theenvironmental gains would be substantial,since the power supplied via the DC cableswill be transmitted from efficient powerplants in the main AC grid. Also, thepollution and noise produced when thediesel fuel is transported will be completelyeliminated by an HVDC line, as the needfor frequent maintenance of the diesels.Since the cost of building an HVDC Lightline is a linear function of the distance, abreak-even might be reached for as shortdistances as 50- 60 km. HVDC Light lowest cost AC + Overhead line HVDC Light + cable Cost inside AC grid Distance from the AC grid eliminate local diesel Cost/kWh 3.3 CONNECTING POWER GRIDS Renewable power sources are often builtfrom scratch, beginning on a small scaleand gradually expanded. Wind turbine farms is the typical case, but this is alsotrue for photovoltaic power generation.These power sources are usually locatedwhere the conditions are particularlyfavorable, often far away from the mainAC network. At the beginning, such aslowly expanding energy resource cannotsupply a remote community with enoughpower. An HVDC Light link could be anideal solution in such cases.First, the link could supply the communitywith power from the main AC grid,eliminating the need for local generation.The HVDC Light link could also supply thewind turbine farm with reactive power for the generators, and keeping the powerfrequency stable.When the power output from the windgenerators grows as more units are added,they may supply the community with asubstantial share of its power needs. Whenthe output exceeds the needs of theCommunity, the power flow on the HVDCLight link is reversed automatically, and thesurplus power is transmitted to the mainAC grid. Wind power Small scale hydropower HVDC Light Extruded cable Distant ac- grid Waste gas is usually burned at offshoredrillingplatforms, since it is too expensive,or technically difficult, to use the gas for power generation and transmit it by an ACcable to the main grid on the shore. Thus,the energy content of the gas is wasted, andthe primitive burning process is source ofpollution. With an HVDC Lightunderwater cable transmission, the gas canbe used as gas turbine fuel, supplying boththe platform and the main AC grid withpower. The process of burning the gas ingas turbines would also produce much acleaner exhaust than simple burning woulddo.The DC underwater cable network could easily be extended to other offshoreplatforms. 3.4 ASYNCRONOUS LINKS Two AC grids, adjacent to each other butrunning asynchronously with respect toeach other, cannot exchange any powerbetween each other. If there is a surplus ofgenerating capacity in one of the grids itcannot be utilized in the other grid. Each ofthe networks must have its own capacity of peak power generation, usually in the formof older, inefficient fuel fossil plants, ordiesel or gas turbine units. Thus, peakpower generation is often a source ofsubstantial pollution, and their fueleconomy is frequently bad.A DC link, connecting two such networks,can be used for combining the generationcapacities of both networks. Cheap surpluspower from one network can replace peakpower generation in the other. This willresult in both reduced pollution levels andincreased fuel economy. The powerexchange between the networks is alsovery easy to measure accurately. 4. ADVANTAGES * Transmission by HVDC Light saves the environment by replacing local fossil-fueled generation withtransmission from main AC-grid. * Connecting small scale renewable power to main AC –grid. * HVDC Light is inherent environmentally friendlycables instead of OH transmission lines. * Virtually no magnetic field. * No ground currents because of bipolar transmission. 5. CONCLUSION HVDC Light technology saves theenvironment by replacing remote fossilfuelledgenerators with cost-efficienttransmission of power from efficient andclean, large-scale generation productionunits. The efficiency of a modern, largescale, thermal generating plant is usually 25percent higher than that for a modernsmall or moderate scale diesel generatorplant,Vice versa, HVDC Light provides aconvenient and cost-effective way forconnecting renewable and non-pollutingenergy sources as wind power farms andphotovoltaic power plants to a main grid.The HVDC Light technology in itself hasstrong environmental benefits. Since poweris transmitted via a pair of underground cables, the electromagnetic fields from thecables cancel each other. Any residual fieldis a static field, as opposed to the powerfrequencyfields radiated from AC cables.Since HVDC Light transmissions arebipolar, they do not inject any currents intothe ground. Ground currents can disturbcommunications systems or causecorrosion on gas or oil pipelines.A pair of light-weight DC cables can beeasily plodded into the ground at a costthat is comparable to or less than for acorresponding AC overhead line. Asopposed to an overhead line, anunderground cable pair has no visualimpact at all on the landscape. Usually it’salso much easier to obtain permissions andpublic approval for a cable transmissionthan for an overhead line, especially inresidential areas. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Our sincere thanks to HOD and FACULTIES for encouraging us to prepare the above document. A special thanks to REFERNCES [1] K. Eriksson, â€Å"HVDC Lightâ„ ¢ and development of Voltage SourceConverters†, IEEE TD 2002 Latin America, Sà £o Paulo, Brazil, March. [2] L. Carlsson, G. Asplund, H. Bjà ¶rklund, M. Ã…berg, Present trends inHVDC converter station design IV SEPOPE Conference, Foz doIguacu, Brazil. [3]IEEE

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Blue Hotel :: essays research papers

It is not surprising for an author’s background and surroundings to profoundly affect his writing. Having come from a Methodist lineage and living at a time when the church was still an influential facet in people’s daily lives, Stephen Crane was deeply instilled with religious dogmas. However, fear of retribution soon turned to cynicism and criticism of his idealistic parents’ God, "the wrathful Jehovah of the Old Testament" (Stallman 16), as he was confronted with the harsh realities of war as a journalistic correspondent. Making extensive use of religious metaphors and allusions in The Blue Hotel (1898), Crane thus explores the interlaced themes of the sin and virtue. Ironically, although "he disbelieved it and hated it," Crane simply "could not free himself from" the religious background that haunted his entire life (Stallman 5). His father, a well-respected reverend in New Jersey, advocated Bible reading and preached "the right way." Similarly, his mother, who "lived in and for religion," was influential in Methodist church affairs as a speaker and a journalist in her crusade against the vices of her sinful times (Stallman 5). This emotional frenzy of revival Methodism had a strong impact on young Stephen. Nonetheless, he -- falling short of his parents’ expectations on moral principles and spiritual outlook -- chose to reject and defy all those abstract religious notions and sought to probe instead into life’s realities. Moreover, Crane’s genius as "an observer of psychological and social reality" (Baym 1608) was refined after witnessing battle sights during the late 19th century. What he saw was a stark contrast of the peacefulness and morality preached in church and this thus led him to religious rebelliousness. As a prisoner to his surroundings, man (a soldier) is physically, emotionally, and psychologically challenged by nature’s indifference to humankind. For instance, in the story, "what traps the Swede is his fixed idea of his environment," but in the end, it is the environment itself -- comprised of the Blue Hotel, Sculley, Johnnie, Cowboy Bill, the Easterner, and the saloon gambler -- that traps him (Stallman 488). To further illustrate how religion permeated into Crane’s writing, many scenes from The Blue Hotel can be cited. Similar to the biblical Three Wise Men (Stallman 487), three individuals out of the East came traveling to Palace Hotel at Fort Romper. The issue explored is the search for identity and the desire of an outsider (the Swede) to define himself through conflict with a society.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Mobile Crushing Plant Arrived at Philippines Quarry Essay

Last week, a good news came from Philippines that the customer who had ordered DSMAC mobile crushing plant for his quarry is satisfied with the final sand crushed by the crusher. Early since September 2012, the Philippines customer consulted on DSMAC official website about the crushing equipment. Aiming to the existing problem of serious wear and the quarry’s position of suburb, the enterprise engineer recommended the mobile crushing plant. At the end of 2012, the30tph mobile crushing plant was exported to Philippines successfully. The whole crushing plant includes: Hopper+ PE400*600 jaw crusher + PYT900 cone crusher + 2YK1245 circular vibrating screen + belt conveyor Besides, the equipped Commins diesel generator, hydraulic pressure unit and frequency conversion control cabinet, and so on are also sent to the customer. On 13th December, DSMAC two engineers are sent to Philippines customer site. On 22th, the mobile crushing plant began to operate successfully, and the crushed sand has good shape and high cleanness, which makes the customer satisficed. Mobile crushing plant is often mainly used forsand making line and construction waste crushing line. This crushing station has the features of convenient and stong mobility, saving lots of infrastructure and removal cost and the materials’ transportation cost, because this crushing station can work in complicated terrain and move with raw materials’ mining fields. DSMAC mobile crusher integrates primary crushing and secondary crushing closely, and realize the less occupation, convenient installation and automation. Therefore, the mobile crushing plant is always liked by owners of quarry and construction waste processing plant at home and abroad. Besides, there are also variety of stationary crushers, production lines, feeders and screens, ore crushers, crusher spare parts, and so on. The customers who are in need of crushing equipment can visite the website About DSMAC Founded in 1997, DSMAC Group is a China leading crusher and sand making machine manufacturer with a complete line of crushing, grinding and screening equipment. We boast an extensive product range, and our impressive 128,000 square meter factory space is fully equipped with CNC machines, spectrometers, welding machines imported from Germany, and more, to efficiently meet your requirements. Contact Information DSMAC GroupJanet ZhangPhone: +86-371-6789-7680 E-mail:

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Mughal Era

PREFACE The Mughal Empire The Mughal Empire In seeking to determine the clothes worn by the wide range of people that entered India during the Mughal period, one has to take into account the geographical factors that influence their form of dress, the region they come from, how they lived, how the terrain, climate and their professional occupation affected what they wore. BRIEF HISTORY In 1526, Babur established the Mughal Empire, which lasted for over 200 years. They ruled most of the Indian subcontinent by 1600.The Mughal emperors married local royalty, allied themselves with the local maharajas & attempted to fuse their turko-persian culture with ancient Indian styles. The Mughal dynasty reached its peak during the reign of Akbar and it went into a slow decline after the death of Aurangzeb in 1707 and was finally defeated during the war of independence in 1857. LIFESTYLE The marketplace The marketplace The society of the Mughal period can roughly be categorized into the rich, midd le and poor class. The difference between the richest sections of society and the poorest was very wide.At the top of the social and economic ladder was the king followed by his nobles. This class lived in extraordinary luxury with abundant resources at their disposal. They lived a life of reckless festivity, grand banquets, lavish homes and often had inflated egos. Their food and dress was very costly, and their homes were huge palatial structures. Both indoor and outdoor games were popular with this class, for they had the time and resources to be able to indulge in them. An unfortunate aspect was that as a result of their tremendous wealth, many of them squandered away their money and lives in vice and temptations.Towards the close of the Mughal Empire, many of the emperors were no longer interested in running the empire; instead they were keener on enjoying the wealth they possessed as kings. Tyranny of the Emporer over the lower sections of the society Tyranny of the Emporer ov er the lower sections of the society The middle class was a relatively new development, one that would grow and become an important force during British India. They were usually merchants, industrialists and various other professionals. While not being able to afford the extravagance of the rich class, they led comfortable and perhaps more sensible lives.Many middle class families were also very well off and were able to indulge in some luxuries. Purdah system was followed during Mughal Era Purdah system was followed during Mughal Era Below the middle class lay the poor class, the most oppressed and neglected part of the society. There was a major difference between their standard of living and that of the two preceding classes. They were usually without adequate clothing and in cases of famines even without food. They held very low paying jobs, where they were expected to put in long hours.Their condition can perhaps be described as voluntary slaves. They were often harassed by the officers of the king, who extorted money out of them by making false charges against them. The economic conditions of the peasants continuously declined, especially towards the close of the Mughal period when the tyranny of the provincial governors constantly troubled the peasants' lives. The position of women in Indian society changed considerably with the coming of Islam. The Indian women now came to occupy an even lower status. Muslim inroads made strict enforcement of purdah and seclusion of women.Women’s education was not encouraged. The birth of a girl was not regarded as a happy event. On the contrary the position of the women of the noble and royal families was little better. Miniature paintings of the Mughal era Miniature paintings of the Mughal era Miniature paintings: important source for Mughal costumes Mughal painting is a particular style of South Asian painting, generally confined to miniatures, which emerged from Persian miniature painting and developed durin g the period of the Mughal Empire (16th – 19th centuries).Miniature paintings were a variety of Islamic paintings done during the reign of the Mughal Emperors. The Mughal paintings often covered scenes from the court and help our understanding of how the court functioned. These paintings also provide us with information on what the emperors looked like. * The Mughal miniature paintings had depicted the costumes and ornaments which were prevalent in the time of medieval India. Mughal artists had rendered exquisite detail of the costume of the people of that period. The Mughal Emperors who helped the art of painting to flourish were Akbar, Jahangir and Shah Jahan. Mughal Queen covered in fine clothing and jewels Mughal Queen covered in fine clothing and jewels The costume of Mughal women Traditional Mughal costume Traditional Mughal costume The ladies of the Mughal dynasty were as remarkable as their men and in certain cases even more cultivated. The way these beautiful, educat ed and extremely talented Mughal women used to dress became a matter of interest for many.Royal women wore beautiful clothes made from the finest materials and adorned jewellery from head to toe. They used to spend a lot of money in getting for themselves fine silks, brocades and muslins from which they got stitch beautiful garments. They were mostly covered in white colored veil because of the prevalent purdah system and they could not go out on the street without the veil otherwise they were forced to join the profession of prostitution. Early costumes When the Mughal ladies first set their foot in India they were dressed in long gowns, caps and trousers.And upto the time of Akbar, Persian dress was worn by muslins but during Akbar’s time Rajput dress was adopted. * An inner garment or kartiji was invariably worn beneath the gown as a short bodice reaching to the hips. * Queen in her chambers Queen in her chambers Another jacket or nimtena was frequently put over the dress somewhat like a vest (Gulbadan begam, the daughter of Babar while describing mirza hindal’s marriage in her memoirs, mentions â€Å"nine jackets with garnitures of jeweled balls† and four shortered jackets with bal trimmings among the articles of dowry for the bride Sultana begam. The effect of these gorgeous dresses embroidered with gold and pearls was astonishing. So in a whole the early Mughal costume for women consisted of wide topped trousers fitting snuggly from calf to ankle, long kurta, fitted outer jacket, dupatta, high Turkish hats, sometimes with a small veil attached and some feathers too. The Jaguli The Jaguli Influence on Hindu women The glamour of these dresses must have cast its spell unmistakably on the susceptible Indian women. Opportunities were not lacking for frequent contacts between Indian and Mughal ladies.It is therefore not astonishing that Indian women associated with the court of Delhi and high ranking ladies living in the Rajput dependencie s of northern India should very soon have adopted the distinctively Mughal style of dress. The jaguli worn by women- a sort of empire gown fastening at neck an waist, opening between the fastenings and permitting a glimpse of the breasts and with long tight wrinkled sleeves and long flowing skirt reaching as far down as the ankles. This attire was worn by the Muslim dancing women. Later Mughal costumeLater Mughal costume The skirted robe of these women which was slit in front from the waist to the bottom and which in their language was known as peshwas distinctly resemble the jagulis of the Kangra painters. Later Mughal Costumes consisted of Long sleeved choli, Isar (often striped), Brocade vest, Short and long ghagra (often in sheer material),Silk or muslin dupatta, Apron (with embroidery) and farji (long sheer vest like garment), Long sleeved floor length gown with a sari that drapes from the jeweled embroidered crown and an Ornate turban.MALE COSTUME Men wore a pagri (turban), a jama (coat), a patka (shawl), a katzeb (sash) and either trousers or a dhoti (loincloth). The Jama: Essentially, the jama is a snugly fitted garment that is complemented by a pair of long sleeves, a distinctive crossover bodice and a full skirt. The jama is differentiated from other coats of the Mughal era (such as the angharka) in that the skirts overlap in the same fashion as the bodice. The Jama The JamaThe social status and wealth of the wearer were indicated by the textiles used to create the jama, the fullness of the skirts and the length of the sleeves. The sleeves were tight-fitting to the wrist, and were commonly so long as to form soft folds along the forearm. The sleeve also features an inset triangular gusset in the armpit, which allows for a snug fit without compromising mobility. Dhoti or Paijama: Another term for these trousers is paijama, from which comes our familiar word denoting sleep attire.The word is a compound of two Persian words, pai meaning â€Å"feet† or â€Å"legs†, and jama meaning â€Å"covering†. Both men and women wore paijamas, possibly in imitation of the warlike Rajput princes who preferred them to the dhoti or the mobility they afforded. Mughal King Akbar Mughal King Akbar Pagri or Turban: Paintings from the court of Akbar indicate that there was a difference between the wrap used by a Muslim and that of a Hindu. Generally, Hindu turbans were fuller and rounder than those of the Muslims, who favored elaborate jewelry to embellish their headgear.Patka, Katzeb and Juttis: Three more items finish off the male costume and these are the patka (shawl), the katzeb (sash) and Juttis (shoes). The Patka: The patka is a handsome garment often depicted in illustrations of the period draping elegantly from the shoulders of Akbar’s courtiers. It survives today in India as the dupatta, worn by women as a scarf with Emperor Shah Jahan Emperor Shah Jahan their salwar Kamiz and Hindu men on their wedding day. Patka , Katzeb and Juttis worn by Prince Salim Patka, Katzeb and Juttis worn by Prince SalimThe Katzeb: Even more ubiquitous than the patka, was the katzeb, or sash. In illustrations of the period, it is clear that the patka and the katzeb never matched one another, but like the patka, the katzeb was richly decorated in a number of ways. Sashes in the reign of Akbar seem to be of two lengths, long and short. Laborers, servants and courtiers in a hunting party are often shown with shorter and plainer katzebs. Wealthy emirs and the Akbar himself are depicted as wearing longer and more abundant sashes, and in a few cases, two sashes of contrasting colors at once.Juttis:   Hindus and Muslims differed greatly in their approach to footwear. Followers of Islam wore shoes and boots habitually to protect their feet from the heat and hazards of the Indian landscape. Hindus, on the other hand, view feet and leather both as â€Å"unclean†. The making of leather goods, therefore, is and was l eft to the members of the lowest castes. As a rule, Hindus preferred to go either barefoot or in sandals called paduka, which were made of â€Å"pure† materials such as wood or even metal. Shoes were invariably removed before entering living areas and temples.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Americas new war essays

America's new war essays Three planes commandeered by unknown, knife wielding hijackers slammed into the Pentagon and New York's landmark World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. The twin disaster at the World Trade Center happened shortly before 9am (1300GMT) and then right around 9am. Heavy black smoke billowed into the sky above the gaping holes in the side of the twin towers, one of New York city ¡Ã‚ ¯s most famous landmarks, and one of the city ¡Ã‚ ¯s busiest work areas. Rescue teams in New York City and at the pentagon continue to look for survivors. Meanwhile, investigators search for those responsible. Hundreds of firefighters and police are missing and feared dead after trying to rescue others. President Bush, speaking after a day that saw America reel under its worst attack since the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, vowed to stand firm against terrorism and bring the perpetrators to justice. The twin 110 story World Trade Center towers, which drew as many as 40,000 people per day, lay toppled and in ruins. The Pentagon, the nerve center of the nation's military, was severely damaged with flames still burning late into Tuesday night. The News quoted sources as saying at least 800 died when the passenger jet slammed into the building. Bush, in the first official confirmation of what could be a staggering death toll, urged vigilance as U.S. forces worldwide went on highest alert. Within 48 hours some 4,000 special agents and 3,000 support personnel were assigned to the case, with about 400 FBI laboratory specialists deployed to examine the forensic evidence. Almost immediately the finger of suspicion was pointed at exiled Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden. He has been implicated in a series of attacks on and plots against U.S. targets, and also has a well-known grudge against the United States and its people. On top of that there is the compelling evidence that men connected with him have targeted the World...

Monday, October 21, 2019

SAT Subject Test Dates 2016-2017

SAT Subject Test Dates 2016-2017 SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips At PrepScholar, we use the best data to inform you about what the testing schedule and registration deadlines will look like in the future.When choosing your test date and Subject Tests, there are multiple factors to consider and it is vital to plan ahead. You can see the SAT test dates for previous years to get an idea of when the tests normally take place and how long after the test dates scores tend to be released. In this article, I’ll give you the SAT Subject Test dates for 2016-2017 and explain what you should consider when picking your test date and Subject Tests. Test Dates for the 2016-2017 School Year SAT Subject Tests are offered on the same dates and in the same locations as the SAT, but there’s an additional test date in March for the SAT that isn’t offered for the SAT Subject Tests. Subject Test Dates These test dates are listed by the College Board, but they’re still subject to change. Not all of the tests are offered on every date- the language with listening tests are only offered in November. Subject Test October 1, 2016 November 5, 2016 December 3, 2016 January 21, 2017 May 6, 2017 June 3, 2017 Literature X X X X X X US History X X X X X X World History X X Mathematics Level 1 X X X X X X Mathematics Level 2 X X X X X X Biology E/M X X X X X X Chemistry X X X X X X Physics X X X X X X French X X X X X German X Spanish X X X X X Modern Hebrew X Italian X Latin X X French with Listening X German with Listening X Spanish with Listening X Chinese with Listening X Japanese with Listening X Korean with Listening X You can only take Korean in November. Registration Dates The registration deadlines and score release dates are projected by PrepScholar. Test Date Normal Registration Late Registration Score Release Oct 1, 2016 Sep 2, 2016 Sep 16, 2016 Oct 20, 2016 Nov 5, 2016 Oct 7, 2016 Oct 21, 2016 Nov 24, 2016 Dec 3, 2016 Nov 4, 2016 Nov 18, 2016 Dec 22, 2016 Jan 21, 2017 Dec 23, 2016 Jan 6, 2017 Feb 9, 2017 May 6, 2017 Apr 7, 2017 Apr 21, 2017 May 25, 2017 Jun 3, 2017 May 5, 2017 May 19, 2017 Jun 22, 2017 How Accurate Are the Tables Above? The test dates are the anticipated dates provided by the College Board, and the registration and score release dates are our estimations. Even though all the dates are likely to be correct, because the test dates are provided by the College Board, those dates may be somewhat more reliable. However, the test dates aren't confirmed yet. If any of the dates change, they’ll probably be a week earlier or later than the anticipated date. You can use these dates to help determine when you'll take your SAT Subject Tests. If you know your available options, you can select the date that works best with your schedule. Also, you can factor in the specific tests you're taking and the amount of time you need to prepare for the them. How to Choose Your Subject Tests? Here’s what you should consider when selecting your Subject Tests: What Do Your Colleges Require? Know the specific requirements of the colleges you’re applying to or intend to apply to. How many Subject Tests do they require? Are you applying to a school or program that requires you to take science and math? Are you applying to colleges that want to see your skill level in a range of subjects? Are you applying to test optional or flexible colleges that allow you to use Subject Tests in place of the SAT or ACT? If you have any questions about a school's policies, call the admissions office. What Are Your Best Subjects in School? Generally, you'll do the best on the tests related to your best subjects in school. If you thoroughly enjoy physics and you're excelling in your AP Physics class, you'll probably do well on the Physics Subject Test. Are You Fluent in Another Language? Many native speakers of other languages take the Subject Test in their first language, even if they’re not taking a class in that language. Often, this is an opportunity to get a high score and show off your multilingualism. However, make sure you review the content for the Subject Test even if you're fluent. I scored higher on my Spanish Subject Test than some of my friends who are native Spanish speakers because I was more familiar with Spanish grammar rules and written Spanish while they were much more adept at conversational Spanish. Finally, read our articles on SAT Subject Tests for more guidance and to help you study. How to Choose Your Test Dates Review this article on how to select SAT Subject Test dates. Also, keep in mind that you can take one, two, or three Subject Tests on a single test date. WhatIs Your Class Schedule? Generally, you want to take a givenSubject Test when you’re studying the highest level of that subject. For example,If you're taking AP US History in your junior year, you may want to take the US History Subject Test in May or June of that year right after you've spent a full year studying US History and preparing for the AP test. When Are Your College Deadlines? For most schools, the December test of your senior year will be the last time you can take the Subject Tests, and if you're applying early, the October test may be the last possible date for you. Familiarize yourself with your deadlines and give yourself an opportunity to retake the tests in case you don't get your target scores. What IsYour Personal Schedule? Make sure you give yourself time to study and avoid taking the test when you have possible conflicts. If your'e particularly busy with school and extracurricular activities in a certain month, you may want to avoid taking your Subject Tests then. What's Next? If you're preparing for your SAT Subject Tests, you may want to check out our study guides for World History, Chemistry, Literature, or Biology. You can view study guides for additional subjects in our Subject Test articles. Not sure how manySAT Subject Tests to take? Check out our guide to deciding. Finally, learn more about what is a good SAT Subject Test score. Need a little extra help prepping for your Subject Tests? We have the industry's leading SAT Subject Test prep programs (for all non-language Subject Tests). Built by Harvard grads and SAT Subject Test full or 99th %ile scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so that you get the most effective prep possible. Learn more about our Subject Test products below:

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Definition and Examples of Word Borrowing

Definition and Examples of Word Borrowing In linguistics, borrowing  (also known as lexical borrowing) is the process by which a word from one language  is adapted for use in another. The word that is borrowed is called a borrowing, a borrowed word, or a  loanword.   The English language has been described by David Crystal as an insatiable borrower. More than 120 other languages have served as sources for the contemporary vocabulary of English. Present-day English is also a major donor languagethe leading source of borrowings for many other languages. Etymology From Old English, becoming Examples and Observations English . . . has freely appropriated the major parts of its vocabulary from Greek, Latin, French, and dozens of other languages. Even though The officials automobile functioned erratically consists entirely of borrowed words, with the single exception of the, it is uniquely an English sentence.The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that English is about as pure as a cribhouse whore. We dont just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.Exploration and BorrowingThe vocabulary of English based on exploration and trade [was] often brought to England in spoken form or in popular printed books and pamphlets. An early example is assassin (eater of hashish), which appears in English about 1531 as a loanword from Arabic, probably borrowed during the Crusades. Many of the other words borrowed from eastern countries during the Middle Ages were the names of product s (Arabic lemon, Persian musk, Semitic cinnamon, Chinese silk) and place names (like damask, from Damascus). These were the most direct examples of the axiom that a new referent requires a new word. Enthusiastic BorrowersEnglish speakers have long been globally among the most enthusiastic borrowers of other peoples words and many, many thousands of English words have  been acquired in just this way.  We get kayak from  an Eskimo language, whisky from Scottish Gaelic, ukulele from Hawaiian, yoghurt from Turkish, mayonnaise from French, algebra from Arabic, sherry from Spanish, ski  from Norwegian, waltz from German, and kangaroo from the Guugu-Yimidhirr language of Australia. Indeed, if you leaf through the pages of an English dictionary that provide the sources of words, you will discover that well over half the words in it are taken from other languages in one way or another (although not always by the sort of straightforward borrowing we are considering here).Reasons for Language BorrowingOne language may possess words for which there are no equivalents in the other language. There may be words for objects, social, political, and cultural institutions and events or abs tract concepts which are not found in the culture of the other language. We can take some examples from the English language throughout the ages. English has borrowed words for types of houses (e.g. castle, mansion, teepee, wigwam, igloo, bungalow). It has borrowed words for cultural institutions (e.g. opera, ballet). It has borrowed words for political concepts (e.g. perestroika, glasnost, apartheid). It often happens that one culture borrows from the language of another culture words or phrases to express technological, social or cultural innovations. Contemporary BorrowingToday only about five percent of our new words are taken from other languages. They are especially prevalent in the names of foods: focaccia, salsa, vindaloo, ramen.Borrowings From EnglishEnglish borrowings are entering languages everywhere, and in more domains than just science and technology. Not surprisingly, the reported reaction of a Paris disk jockey to the French Academys latest pronouncements against English borrowings was to use an English borrowing to call the pronouncement pas trà ¨s cool (not very cool). Pronunciation BOR-owe-ing Sources Peter Farb,  Word Play: What Happens When People Talk. Knopf, 1974James Nicoll,  Linguist, February 2002W.F. Bolton,  A Living Language: The History and Structure of English. Random House, 1982Trasks Historical Linguistics, 3rd ed., ed. by  Robert McColl Millar. Routledge, 2015Allan Metcalf,  Predicting New Words. Houghton Mifflin, 2002Carol Myers-Scotton,  Multiple Voices: An Introduction to Bilingualism. Blackwell, 2006Colin Baker and Sylvia Prys Jones,  Encyclopedia of Bilingualism and Bilingual Education. Multilingual Matters, 1998

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Legalizing Marijuana in Arizona Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Legalizing Marijuana in Arizona - Essay Example â€Å"The Arizona department of health was then tasked with the regulation of sales and the use of marijuana solely for medicinal purposes†. In this quote, Donovan uses alliteration as is shown by the repetition of consonants sounds to bring about flow in the sentence. After the Proposition 203 had been approved, specific rules were put in place explaining who was allowed to grow, distribute, and or to use marijuana for the said medicinal purposes. It is vital to note that marijuana cannot be used for every medical condition. The discussion only gets as interesting as it is controversial. Thus, when Scott Cecil, a board member of Students for Sensible Drug Policy, faced felony charges of possessing marijuana for his own personal use, he began to think that the war on drugs was targeting the wrong crowd. According to him, â€Å"the incident made me realize that every year; hundreds of thousands of people were arrested in connection to marijuana as well as other drugs. It is wr ong as these people had not committed any violent crimes nor were they selling drugs.† In his defense, they were just using the drugs for their recreational purposes. Mr. Scott’s sentiments are echoed by Mr. Dennis Bolkhe, the treasurer for Safer Arizona, who argues that Arizona would be a safe place when marijuana is legalized. Mr. Scott says that â€Å"the arresting of marijuana sellers, users, or distributors is completely outrageous and hence people should not be jailed for such†.

Zulu Culture and living Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Zulu Culture and living - Research Paper Example The Zulu people are full of character and celebrate their cultural distinctiveness through cultural festivals. Currently the Zulu tribe is divided; some people have moved into urban centers while others are still in their native habitat (Kwazulu-Natal province). Zulu community has a little population in Zimbabwe, Zambia and Mozambique. The Zulu people have exciting traditions and their daily lives incorporate both the traditional and modern practices in beliefs, music, rituals, arts and rites of passage. The Zulu tradition is rooted in the Nkulunkulu the creator. The Zulu people are agriculturalists practicing both farming and keeping of domesticated animals. The Zulu mode of subsistence played a critical role in shaping their economic organization. Division of labor was along gender lines and there was clear-cut distinction between male and female roles in the society. Men performed chores that were considered more cumbersome and required a lot of time out of the homestead. They inc lude land cultivation with oxen-driven sledges, carrying logs, constructing food storage barns and tending the cattle. On the other hand, women performed household chores like child rearing, cooking, fetching water, collecting firewood, spreading seeds in the farms and hoeing. Their religious beliefs and values were influenced by their mode of subsistence (Gatsha, 1992). This is because they represent the peoples needs incase of crop failure, infestation of the firms by crops destroying insects and crop harvest. Religion was also used to deal with uncertainties and explain things that could not be explained by culture. The Zulu people had a centralized form of government. The king was the central ruler and was accorded maximum respect. The king delegated power to chiefs who were in charge of the districts. The family heads were obligated to maintain law and order in their homesteads. Mode of Subsistence Traditionally, the Zulu people were agriculturalists; they practiced mixed farmi ng. A lot of significance was attached to cattle, goats and poultry. A man’s wealth was measured by the size of his cattle herd. Cattle were a source of meat and milk and hides. They were also used in paying bride price (lobola) and cattle sacrifice was the main way of appeasing the ancestors. Women took care of the agricultural activities and they grew crops like maize, pumpkins, sugar reeds and tubers. Economic organization In the 19th century, the Zulu people practiced mixed farming. They grew crops and raised livestock. Women collected grass that was used in thatching new and renewing thatches, making baskets, sitting mats, straws (beer sieves) and pot lids among other products. Women plastered and re-plastered houses belonging to their brothers, aunts, husbands and parents. Ploughing fields was a collective chore to both men and women. Men span the oxen and control the ploughs that were drawn by the oxen. Women and boys spread the seeds and finally, women did hoeing and harvesting. Men collected the harvest on sledges that were drawn by the oxen. Women were obligated to clean and polish the living huts. Men on the other hand carved wood utensils, walking sticks and milkpails. Men collected logs that were used in fencing, constructing and repairing kraals. They also built bans that were used for food storage and dug pits used for food storage in the kraals. Young men looked after cattle and slaughtered the animals for ceremonial festivals. Men also tanned the animal skin that was later used in making leather products (Zibani, 2002, p.138). The waves of change brought about by modernization have not spared the Zulu community. Division of labor is still gender based. Men are regarded as the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Contribution to the Discussion of Western Scholarship Essay

Contribution to the Discussion of Western Scholarship - Essay Example Husri was confident that the condition of the Arabs resembled that of Germans, when there is a state of national belonging but no statehood. 3. Rentier state – a type of state that relies primarily and only on the revenues derived from extracting and selling one or more natural resources (e.g., oil). More often than not, the rentier state relies on a limited number of people who dominate the natural resources business, whereas government uses these revenues as the main source of national income. Most Middle Eastern countries rely on natural gas, oil, and petroleum production. 4. The Dutch disease – after the Groningen gas field was discovered in 1959, the Dutch economy was faced with the challenge of inflation. The rapid appreciation of the Dutch guilder led to the subsequent rise in the price of Dutch goods. For this reason, the demand for Dutch goods declined and the manufacturing sector fell into a deep economic abyss during the 1960-70s. 5. The Eastern Question â₠¬â€œ the study of the relationships and interactions between unequal power systems; of these, one system (Europe) is on the rise and another (Middle East) is in the state of decline. In this relationship, the Middle East is believed to be closely intertwined with the political developments in Europe. Simultaneously, over the 19th century the Middle East developed its own rules of the international relations game, to deal with the challenge of the European dominance. 6. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk – founder of the modern secular Turkish Republic. Ataturk is the foundational figure of modern Turkish history. He served as President of the Turkish Republic between 1923 and 1938. 7. Gamal Abd al-Nasser – one of the most important figures in the development of Arab politics and the second president of Egypt (since 1956 until death). Nasser’s leadership played a crucial role in the creation of Egyptian nationhood and is often viewed as a role model of Arab dignity. The figur e of Nasser is closely associated with the rise of Arab nationalism. 8. Baghdad Pact – was created and signed by Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, and Britain in 1955. The main goal of the Pact was to unite the Middle East against the risks of the Soviet penetration. Britain’s ideas faced huge political opposition from Egypt; Syria and Jordan refused to join the pact. 9. Saddam Hussein – a Middle Eastern dictator and the single ruler of the Iraqi nation between 1979 and 2003. Hussein’s political career began to flourish after Abdul-Karim Qassim was assassinated. His regime was overthrown in 2003, when the U.S. invaded Iraq. 10. Fundamentalism – a term commonly used in modern press and political philosophy and denoting the striving of political forces and people to revive and institutionalize the most important aspects of the past. Generic fundamentalism treats secularism as a political and religious enemy and relies on sacred texts to withstand the pre ssure of criticism. Section B Question 2: Edward Said and his contribution to the discussion of Western scholarship. Edward Said has become well-known for his work Orientalism. The latter was created to expose and criticize the main deficiencies of Western scholarship and its continued reliance on the principles of hegemony and power misbalances.

Sport Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Sport Development - Essay Example Sport, exercise and physical education notably have a definite point of convergence which must not be ignored for the continued growth of the three distinct activities. The need for establishment, across the world, of a system that accurately integrates sports, exercise and physical education is currently an urgent need. The implementation of policies that promote the development of social networks aligned to the three activities is more than a necessity in the United Kingdom (McDonald 2005). In view of the current state of affairs, Lawson argues most world systems are not directed toward a new type of Exercise, Sport, and Physical Education (SEPE) social work. An analysis of this statement awakens the considerate person to the fact serious doubts and important questions remain unanswered as to whether SEPE programs, practices, and professionals, are worthwhile investments for governments (Lawson 2005). SEPE professionals should contribute in the formulation and evaluation of government policies concerning sporting, physical education and exercises. A variety of subjects will be analysed in the following section concerning what ought to be done to make investment in SEPE worthwhile for government. Management development can be taken to mean the process through which managers acquire and improve their competencies both for personal benefit and benefit of their employers. It has been proven over time that effective management is one of the major determinants of the organisation's success. When managers learn vital skills through exposition while doing their jobs in an informal setting and the process is formalised, then it is in no doubt management development. Management development among other things includes undertaking various formal courses which include technical aspects as well as management skills, work-based informal training and a wide range of educational courses (Girginov, 2008). According to some authors, development management is viewed in the context of deliberate actions to make progress in the course of history while others argue that it is a management style that is development oriented (Thomas,1999). In this context, good development management should consistently promote developmental values at all levels irrespective of whether it is the easiest way of achieving success in particular developmental tasks. SEPE professionals need to take actions in evaluating current curricular regarding training of coaches, sports people and sports administrators with the aim of ensuring that government policies are implemented and only high quality managers are released into the market. Collaboration Collaboration is a process which involves two or more parties working together for a common goal. Collaboration in SEPE will help in building consensus, learning and sharing knowledge as well as in developing creative skills. A collaborative environment is important for the development of sports, exercise and physical education. Such an environment will be beneficial to coaches, players, children and athletes at all developmental stages in the particular sport they engage in. Collaboration should be encouraged between groups and networks backed up with a

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Does a specific score on a fall risk scale identify patients at risk Research Proposal

Does a specific score on a fall risk scale identify patients at risk for falls in an acute hospital stay - Research Proposal Example In an ideal world, when patients realize a high score on the fall risk scale and nurses fail to put up prevention strategies, then the patients frequently end up falling. On the other hand, the inhibition tactics habitually come in handy in averting the falling of the patients whenever nurses employ them. This research proposal aims to provide a universal outline on how to carry out a survey to determine whether the scores managed by patients on a fall risk scale is a pointer to whether they will fall or not. It primarily covers the complete research procedure, including the research design, the roles of the researchers and the participants, as well as the methods of data collection and those of data analysis. In as much as, there are several inherent reasons such as previous history of falling and chronic illnesses that may lead to a patient falling, a myriad of extrinsic factors can similarly be to blame. This includes the failure of the patient to call for help, the event that the patient is on high-risk treatment, as well as late reaction from the nurse or any other healthcare provider on sight. Cases of patient falling can similarly be brought about by inadequate assessment procedures, particularly the failure of a nurse to go with the scores from the fall risk scale. As mentioned in the abstract, those patients who have over time been subjected to high-risk fall prevention plans, have always avoided falling. This research proposal employs an inclusive research process, to establish that the precise score of a fall risk scale pinpoints patients who are in danger of falling in the course of acute hospital stays. This research proposal aims to make available more insight on the concern as to whether the specific score that the patient attains in the fall risk scale, can be an element in determining whether he or she can be a victim of

Corporations and a Sustainable World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Corporations and a Sustainable World - Essay Example It began during the Industrial Age when the machines increased the productivity of manufacturers. Before, they were a group of people who were hired by the government to perform particular functions, like building bridges for the public. It was supposed to be a subordinate entity a gift given by the people to serve the public good. But somewhere along history, corporate lawyers cited the Fourteenth Amendment (not to deprive any person of life, liberty or property). This made the corporation protection because it can now own, buy and sell things, borrow money, sue and be sued and can carry a business. Corporation starts when the government gives a charter to a group of people who want a limited liability when it comes to business. Because of the charter, incorporations are taken by the law as individuals. The movie analyzed the character of this â€Å"individual† and made the audience realize how the corporations that the majority knows, is not what it is, but rather an ideal c onstruct of the corporation so that the public would like them, thus would let them produce more money. As said before, the corporation is made up of various people. They are formed to protect the corporation itself, which means generating money for the corporation. Doing this job causes harm to workers, like: low salaries, lay-offs, union bustings, etc. These decisions are made so that the company can cut the cost of their operations yet deliver the same quality of goods to the consumers. The film put a spotlight on the sweatshops. The products sold in the department stores that are sold for $ 31 are actually being made at factories in Third World countries for 3 cents per hour. The discrepancy is obvious. But according to Michael Walker, this is a good thing, because they give opportunity to people who have â€Å"nothing to offer but their low cost labor†. Basically, they use the people’s need for employment as a resource to outsource their need for low cost labor. H owever, these people who make decisions for the corporation, which is a legal structure, just the same as a building, are moral people with moral responsibilities. Sam Gibara, a former CEO of Goodyear, Inc. states that his personality as a person is different than that of his personality as a CEO. The priorities shift when he is on the job because of the demands of the job that requires him to make certain touchy decisions, like laying off people. Even the former chairman of the Royal Dutch Shell, Sir Mark Moody Stuart stated that they have the same concerns as with the activists, as he interviewed public demonstrators who tried to rally in their house. These ideas of inequality reflect the conflict approach in sociology, specifically the conflict of class approach. Karl Marx presented this idea, which is appropriate since he also introduced the idea of capitalism, which is basically the spirit of the corporation. The conflict approach originated from Marx’s ideas and writing s on class struggles. This theory focuses on the negative aspects of the society, making a way for improvements to happen, because of shortcomings (Schaefer, 423). This film presents the shortcomings of the corporation, along with the opinions of the people who defend it. The movie pokes the sensibilities of the audience who may or may not act on the situation that demands change for the improvement of the way the corporations are being run. This is a perfect example of the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Does a specific score on a fall risk scale identify patients at risk Research Proposal

Does a specific score on a fall risk scale identify patients at risk for falls in an acute hospital stay - Research Proposal Example In an ideal world, when patients realize a high score on the fall risk scale and nurses fail to put up prevention strategies, then the patients frequently end up falling. On the other hand, the inhibition tactics habitually come in handy in averting the falling of the patients whenever nurses employ them. This research proposal aims to provide a universal outline on how to carry out a survey to determine whether the scores managed by patients on a fall risk scale is a pointer to whether they will fall or not. It primarily covers the complete research procedure, including the research design, the roles of the researchers and the participants, as well as the methods of data collection and those of data analysis. In as much as, there are several inherent reasons such as previous history of falling and chronic illnesses that may lead to a patient falling, a myriad of extrinsic factors can similarly be to blame. This includes the failure of the patient to call for help, the event that the patient is on high-risk treatment, as well as late reaction from the nurse or any other healthcare provider on sight. Cases of patient falling can similarly be brought about by inadequate assessment procedures, particularly the failure of a nurse to go with the scores from the fall risk scale. As mentioned in the abstract, those patients who have over time been subjected to high-risk fall prevention plans, have always avoided falling. This research proposal employs an inclusive research process, to establish that the precise score of a fall risk scale pinpoints patients who are in danger of falling in the course of acute hospital stays. This research proposal aims to make available more insight on the concern as to whether the specific score that the patient attains in the fall risk scale, can be an element in determining whether he or she can be a victim of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Perceptions on Death as the Inevitable Cessation of Life in a Living O Essay

Perceptions on Death as the Inevitable Cessation of Life in a Living Organism - Essay Example From nine through adolescence, children begin to comprehend fully that death is irreversible, that all living things die, and that they too will die someday. ( The death of close relatives or other significant persons in an adolescent’s life can be a quite distressing event for teenagers. Most teens conceptualize death as irreversible and universal. They also understand that death is an inevitable part of life. They, however, do not fully realize that death could be a reality for themselves or their peers. There is, therefore, an acute sense of adventure in them during this period and they don’t mind taking risks. They may also act as if they want to challenge death and defy death. As they grow and mature as adults, their concept of death gets modified by the personal experiences they undergo. Some adolescents’ perception of death is not realistic and hence their response to grief also becomes unreasonable or illogical. On the other hand, teens are usually aware that when a person has a fatal illness death is a logical event in the case. If a parent, sibling or other close relative has a terminal illness, some counseling may help the adolescent to cope with the situation better. However, there is no absolutely correct way to educate a teen about the concept of death. The efforts that a family has to make in helping a teen to cope with a relative’s death can reduce the distress and anxiety of a teen. It will be better to allow them to attend the funeral if they wish to do so if the family’s values value and culture permit that. This would give them a reassurance that they are at least doing something for the departed. â€Å"Grief is a very painful process for both adults and children, but grieving should be encouraged. How a child grieves or reacts to the loss will depend  on age, previous experience with death and his/her preparedness for the event.† (http://www.cfc)

Monday, October 14, 2019

Conflicting Perspectives Essay Example for Free

Conflicting Perspectives Essay Composers are able to evoke in the audience certain reactions to characters or events in their texts by presenting conflicting perspectives on different issues through the manipulation of the language forms and features of their medium, often communicating their own ideas about issues in question, which results in the creation of meaning within their texts. (?). David Guterson in his 1995 novel Snow Falling on Cedars (Snow) and Henry Bean in his 2001 film The Believer (Believer) demonstrate conscious choices made regarding structure and techniques in the construction of their texts in order to represent conflicting perspectives exploring ideas on racial prejudice and hatred and cultural contrasts and thus engage the audience. Composers can examine racial/religious prejudice brought on by war by using form specific techniques to present conflicting perspectives on the same event, designed to incite certain audience responses. Guterson, in Snow, purposely presents conflicting perspectives between Arthur Chambers and Hatsue and other members of the white community on San Piedro, particularly Etta Heine, in order to draw sympathy for the treatment of the Japanese after Pearl Harbour is bombed. Arthur is empathetic towards them, saying in his local paper the San Piedro Review, â€Å"†¦ those of Japanese descent on this island are not responsible for the tragedy at Pearl Harbour. Make no mistake about it.† The high modality language and short, direct sentences used by Guterson highlights Arthur’s deeply-held opinion of the innocence of the Japanese on the island. In support of Arthur’s argument, Hatsue, through the narrative’s non-linear structure, recalls her pain and confusion at the treatment of her people, saying, â€Å"It just isn’t fair – it’s not fair. How could they do this to us, just like that?† The emotive appeal in addition to Arthur’s article triggers audience support of the Japanese community. Guterson, however, also presents the contrasting racial hatred of the white islanders towards the Japanese. Etta Heine justifies the deportation of the Japanese with blunt, monosyllabic sentences – â€Å"They’re Japs†¦ We’re in a war with them. We can’t have spies around.† The use of the derogative term â€Å"Japs† and the distinct differentiation between â€Å"them†, the Japanese, and â€Å"we†, the white people, illustrates her bigoted hatred of the Japanese. Through the conflicting perspectives of Etta against Arthur and Hatsue, Guterson sways the audience to feel for the ill treatment of the Japanese, and shows them his own opinion on the negative effect of racism in wartime on the perceptions and conduct towards certain groups. Conflicting perspectives are established by Bean in Believer between Daniel, a neo-Nazi who is paradoxically a Jew himself, and a number of Holocaust survivors pertaining to the strength of their actions during WWII which aims to convey a pro-Jewish sentiment to audiences. At a sensitivity training session, Danny is enraged at a Jewish man’s lack of action while watching his son being murdered by a Nazi during the Holocaust. Rapidly cutting over-the-shoulder shots between Danny and the Jews indicate their opposing views. A close-up of Danny when he is asked by the Jews what he would have done in the situation shows his contempt and incredulous disbelief of the Jews’ weakness as he replies â€Å"Not what he did. Just stand there and watch?† Bean immediately employs a close-up reaction shot of the female Jew who rebuts with, â€Å"How do you know? You’ve never been tested like he has. Here in his rich, safe, stupid country it is so easy to imagine oneself a hero.† The personal address through 2nd person and the accumulation of adjectives to build a negative image of America strongly opposes Danny’s prejudiced conviction that Jews are pathetic, and also appeals to audiences the idea that religious prejudice towards Jews is unjustified. As Guterson does in Snow, conflicting perspectives are represented by Bean in order to sway his audience to respond negatively to unfounded sentiments of prejudice. Conflicting perspectives between characters can be used by composers to control the way in which an audience perceives them by exploring the cultural clashes that exist in the text as a reflection of societal (or social?) behaviour. In Snow, Guterson presents conflicting perspectives between Kabuo and the jury during his murder trial. In the opening chapter, a vivid description of Kabuo’s posture and expression is given from the jury’s perspective; he is shown as â€Å"proudly upright†¦ rigid†¦ detached.† This initial portrait portrait of Kabuo makes him suspicious not only to the jury but also to the audience, as Hatsue tells Kabuo using a simile that he â€Å"looks like one of Tojo’s soldiers.† However, Guterson, through the novel’s non-linear structure, refutes this perspective by explaining Kabuo’s behaviour to the audience via a flashback. Through his father’s teachings that â€Å"the greater the composure, the more revealed one was†, the audience learns the reason behind Kabuo’s unemotional stance. Third person omniscient allows the audience to sympathise with Kabuo’s emotive explanation that â€Å"he sat upright in the hope that his desperate composure might reflect the shape of his soul.† Guterson, through conflicting perspectives, influences his audience to understand Kabuo and the impact of contrasting cultural values on the perception of an individual. In Believer, Bean likewise shows contrasting opinions between Danny, who cannot fully repress his secret Jewish identity, and his anti-Semitic ‘skinhead’ friends to create audience sympathy for Danny’s inner struggles with the opposing aspects of his identity. When Danny and his friends break into a synagogue, Daniel shows a surprising respect for his religion which clashes with those of the other neo-Nazis. This directly conflicts with Danny’s character established at the film’s opening, when he violently beats up a Jew for no apparent reason. Wearing a brown shirt symbolising the Nazi SA (brown-shirts), Danny’s dark costuming contrasts with the light coloured one of his Jewish victim, highlighting the evil in his nature. Bean, however, challenges the audience’s view of Danny in order to allow them to understand his conflicting identities. In one frame, Danny is in the foreground walking down an aisle, which is juxtaposed with the othe r Nazis vandalising the synagogue. Their loud, raucous whooping contrasts to that of Danny’s respectful silence, highlighting their different treatments of the Jewish culture. When one of the Nazis tears up a Torah, a sacred Jewish text, after much opposition from Danny, a reaction shot of him shows sadness and pain accompanied by melancholy music, underlining Danny’s unspoken deference for Judaism. Bean’s portrayal of conflicting perspectives on Jewish culture incites the audience to respond more sympathetically towards Danny, and to understand that his veneer is a product of cultural differences in his society. The composers in Snow and Believer have effectively utilised techniques within their medium to represent conflicting perspectives about racial or religious prejudice and cultural differences in order to provoke certain audience responses to the characters, events or situations in their story. This includes reactions of sympathy for a certain perspective or disbelief and even dislike of opposing perspectives. In this way, the composers connect to the audience and generate meaning within their texts. In Snow, Hatsue is confined by the traditions of her culture, as shown when her mother Fujiko says to her â€Å"don’t allow living among the hakujin to become living intertwined with them. Your soul will decay†¦ rot and go sour.† The change in language to refer to the Americans as hakujin and the emotive metaphor of Hatsue’s breakdown of purity highlights Fujiko’s dislike of American culture. This

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Urban Elite Theory Essay -- Development, Politics, Vancouver

Theoretical Lenses I. Urban Elite Theory Urban elite theory will provide students with a theoretical lens by which to understand the redevelopment projects initiated in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver during the lead-up to the 2010 Olympic Games. Urban elite theory extends the scope of classical elite theory by adding that a metropolis is divided by its physical districts based on class distinctions (Darity et. al., 2008). The presence and power of elites, however, is not seen as entirely negative according to this theoretical perspective. Instead, the collusion of elites is necessary for stability and efficiency within a political system. If urban elite theory were to be applied to the Vancouver case, one hypothesis would be that urban elites participate in development projects in order to maximize their political power and consolidate their involvement within certain communities. A successful gentrification project redevelops an area through the collaboration of political and business elites. Such a project would prov ide housing that caters to young professionals who will so...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Macbeth :: essays research papers

Macbeth: An Overview   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Macbeth is presented as a mature man enjoying an enviable reputation. throughout this Shakespearean play, however, Macbeth's emotions change drastically. His abilities in battle are stupendous, yet his abilities as a husband and King are on the contrary. His overvaulting ambitions overcome his morality, and lead him to do â€Å"the evil deeds† that he commits during his reign.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Macbeth's prophecies begin with his encounter with the three evil women, the witches. They put the thought into his mind that if he were to kill Duncan, he himself may become king. When Lady Macbeth found out about this, she liked the idea of becoming a queen. She uses many techniques throughout the first act to convince him to execute the King, including questioning his manhood. He appears to be a very strong individual before all of this occurred, being very stable mentally and being a hero in the eyes of his countrymen on the battlefield. All of this changes as the play progresses.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The â€Å"angel† on one of his shoulders is telling him how kind this male ruler has been to him and the country of Scotland. The little â€Å"greedy devil† on his other shoulder that wants to be King finally overcomes the â€Å"angel.† His mind finally warrants him the justification to kill King Duncan. He has deep regret for what he has done shortly thereafter. The murder of the King is the first to slowly break down his now fragile emotional state. He feels that after murdering the King, he has given his mind and soul to those evil and demonic forces which are the enemy of mankind.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It seems as though he is addicted to a drug; he must kill those who oppose him or those who (he feels) will do him harm in the future, yet he does not enjoy this. He is â€Å"hooked† on this drug and he knows it; however, he cannot stop until he is happy. He gains no satisfying peace because his conscience still obliges him to recognize the negative qualities of evil and the negative results of evil action. The individual who once prized mutable goods in the form of respect and admiration from those about him has now lost his sensitivity towards good and evil. His conscience is numbed, and he has almost reached a â€Å"peace† with himself, being morally obsolescent from what is really going on. The environment that he is subject to is continually being intensified, until his final encounter with Macduff ends everything.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Hu Jintao

Hu Jintao Since the beginning of civilization dictators have taken over and ruled there people. While some dictators are cruel and ruthless, others desire happiness of their people. Some acquire their power by force, while others go through the process fairly. Once in power it is important to keep ones people in control through laws and policies. In George Orwell's Animal Farm, one can compare the rise to fame, rules and policies, and cruelties and atrocities of Napoleon to that of the dictator Hu Jintao.One thing that sets Jintao apart from Napoleon is that somewhat low key way he ose to power. Hu Jintao began his political career at the bottom of the ladder and eventually climbed his way to the top (galegroup. com 2003). In 1982 Jintao was named party secretary of Guizhou Province by Hu Yaobank, a communist party officer. Once receiving this position he worked his way up to the title of president of china in 2003. Opposite of Jintao, Napoleon rose to power by force and cruel act (O rwell). Napoleon immediately named himself the leader of Animal Farm after old major died.When feeling threatened by his co-leader Snowball, he has him chased ff the farm by his guard dogs. Similar to the contrast of the rises to power, their actions as dictators also contrast greatly. While Napoleon is a leader of force and absolute control, Jintao is more about prosperity of China. Jintao had â€Å"shown that he can work effectively with others both those above and below his rank and with those of different governments† (galegroup. com 2004). Hu Jintao has tried successfully to rule china and its people to a state of prosperity.He has transformed the policies of China to upport this goal, while closely sheltering his people from the outside world. As Hu Jintao continued to lead China to prosperity napoleon inadvertently led the animals to destruction (Orwell). As leader, Napoleon made the animals inferior by creating laws that gave the pigs more rights. He changed many of t he commandments to support his desire of absolute power. As dictators create these many policies, the republic naturally begins to resent them and in some cases they rebel.As the nation's people began to question the actions of the government, many ictators resort violence as a way to control masses. Although not as major cruelties as Napoleon, Jintao has also committed some crimes as president. (history. com). while attempting to shelter the nation, Jintao has quietly been accused of crimes against the people of China. As a member of the communist party, Jintao was accused of human rights atrocities. While Jintao crimes are hidden and minor, Napoleon crimes are major and unimaginable (Orwell).Napoleon forced many of the animals to confess their unlawfulness and then shot and killed each one. He also sent boxer to be slaughtered at a glue factory once he was injured. As a dictator, Jintao and Napoleon committed unforgettable crimes. In George Orwell's Animal Farm, one can compare th e rise to fame, rules and policies, and cruelties and atrocities of Napoleon to that of the dictator Hu Jintao. He had a normal rising to power while Napoleon forced himself to be a ruler. Hu tried to destruction. Hu did not do any major atrocities, only being accused of minor crimes while Napoleon killed many.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Misrepresentation of african american women Essay

African American women have historically been viewed as hyper-sexual creatures, due to unique anatomical features not often seen in other races. This hyper-sexualized view of Black women dates back as early as the days of slavery when European imperialists traveled to Africa and were excessively intrigued by (and abashedly attracted to) the women in the tribes. Europeans were in awe of the physique of African women, comparable to none, as well as their dancing and traditional garments. Europeans unfamiliarity with a body type that is not unusual amongst African women resulted in a projection of hyper-sexuality onto Black women that did not truly exist and has been hard for Black women around the world to rid themselves of. Saartjie [Sara] Baartman, also known as the â€Å"Hottentot Venus,† became the blueprint for degrading and humiliating the Black woman on a worldwide level. Saartjie Baartman was a South African born woman who was enslaved by a Dutch farmer near the city of Cape Town. Her master was approached by traveling Europeans to travel to Europe to have her body examined and put on display. In 1810, Saartjie’s master informed her that she would be free and assume fortune and fame in order to persuade her to leave his plantation for the sideshow act she would unknowingly become in. It was this promise that led to Saartjie’s willingness to travel to Europe. Saartjie traveled to England and upon her arrival, she was placed on public display, often times in a cage, so her large buttocks and breast could be observed by hundreds of curious Englishman. These invasive spectators were recorded as laughing at her, calling her names, and throwing items at her. Saartjie’s body was so spectacular and strange to Europeans that medical students were able to use her for scientific research. She was again sold from England to a French circus to dance in the nude as entertainment and was one the main attractions. Saartjie never enjoyed the freedom she was promised and turned to alcohol to cope with her humiliation and entered prostitution to support her when she was no longer necessary as a side show attraction. She died in 1815, only five years after her arrival to Europe. Saartjie’s humiliation did not end with her death. She died of unidentified disease in France and her body was turned over to a museum. Her brain, vagina, and her skeleton were removed from her body, preserved and put on display. Her frameless body was then preserved in such a way that she stood erect as well. Her body was eventually buried in France but the parts removed from her body remained on display in a French museum until 1974. The displays were removed that year and replaced with casts of Saartjie’s confiscated body parts. Saartjie Baartman’s humiliating enslavement marks the beginning of the Black woman’s degradation. She could be considered the first â€Å"video-vixen model. † However, culture has changed such that women willingly dance erotically while scantily clad or totally nude, whereas Saartjie was forced. This willingness has transformed the way the Black woman is viewed and the way the Black woman views herself. The manner in which Saartjie Baartman was treated is indicative of European attitudes about Black women and African standards of beauty. Saartjie was renowned for her physique, which Europeans responded to Saartjie as an object with disgust, intrigue, sexual attraction, and condescension. The removal of her organs indicates a perverse obsession with the body of the African woman. This attitude about the Black woman’s body has persisted, taking on new faces as culture changes and pop culture emerged. Media images of Black women have long been degrading, unflattering, and/or extreme. Black women have specific functional roles in the media: typically and most often as Jezebel, Mammie, and the welfare mom. The Jezebel stereotype of the hyper-sexual, manipulative Black woman is more prevalent and more widely seen in the media from television, movies, magazines, and music videos. It is the Jezebel who is the African American woman who is not ashamed to take off her clothes in exchange for things she may need. The music industry especially popularizes strippers and video models as an acceptable and desirable occupation for a Black woman. Not only do majority of hip-hop lyrics degrade women to the lowest level that a woman can be degraded, but the music videos take special care to degrade the black woman even more. Rap music videos depict a false image of what a real woman looks like in reality: â€Å"music videos have gotten so raunchy they might as well be pornography, presenting a hyper-sexual depiction of women that distorts and demeans the image of black women in particular. Even in the tamer videos, women might as well be prostitutes. They are objects, part of the bling-bling, like the platinum chains and diamonds sported by rappers† (Daily Review 7/4/04). It is just in this way that Saartjie Baartman was displayed and responded to and it is in the way Black women have been consistently considered: as objects of sexual exploitation. Hip hop music has become explosively popular in the US and much of the rest of the world in the last twenty years. Hip hop music influences larger society in powerful ways and has become a subculture that has transcended race, socioeconomics, and gender. Its popularity and ability to transcend across many social lines that are usually impenetrable is the biggest threat to the perception of Black women by others and by themselves. When leaders like President Barack Obama and other prominent politicians reference lines from popular rap songs, they are often received with admiration and excitement by the media and larger public. Such a response from a pop culture reference reveals hip hop music’s ability to influence culture on a magnanimous level. Hip hop music is an industry run by men, with overwhelmingly male artists who provide entertainment for other men. In this understanding of the industry, the images of women presented through this massively popular music are exclusively chosen by men. Additionally, hip hop music tends to sell a lifestyle and not just a song or beats. As was previously discussed in the quote from Daily Review, expensive material things and several beautiful and naked women are things to achieve and obtain. An object is for use of some kind and the hip hop music industry has single handedly crystallized the developing notion that women in general are objects for sexual pleasure exclusively. This idea is particularly harmful for Black women and girls in the face of a media that has very few other images of Black women. White women are of course objectified and hyper-sexualized in the same manner, but the damage of such objectification is buffered by other images of a range of professional White women, heroines in film and television, prominent White actresses, politicians, businesswomen, journalists, etc â€Å"Historically, white women, as a category, were portrayed as models of self-respect, self-control, and modesty – even sexual purity, but black women were often portrayed as innately promiscuous, even predatory. This depiction of black women is signified by the name Jezebel† (Pilgram, 2002). Black women and girls have very few other images to measure themselves against or look to for motivation or encouragement. These pervasive images of the Black woman as a promiscuous and manipulative Jezebel juxtaposed with the lack of other, more positive images, is extremely damaging to the Black woman’s self-esteem. These images also inform others of how to perceive and ultimately treat Black women, which is further corrosive to the Black woman’s self-esteem. As if the power that images tend to have on the human psyche were not enough, hip hop music also incorporates lyrics that correspond to the tone of disrespect for Black women. Negative epithets that refer to a woman’s sexual and social behavior like â€Å"ho† and â€Å"bitch† are common, frequent, and acceptable in hip hop lyrics and serve to further denigrate Black women. Often, rappers and fans alike make excuses for the disturbing images and lyrics featured in songs and videos, expressing that the women featured in the videos are working of their own volition and are not being objectified. While the women of these videos are participating of their own volition, the degrading lyrics and the degrading images are not negated just because the women are choosing to participate. The message being sent is still clear and ubiquitous: Black women are objects of sexual gratification that do not have to be spoken to or spoken of as human beings. Viewers are influenced by these images and lyrics and are encouraged to develop erroneous ideas about and monolithic perception of Black women. Additionally, because other, more positive images of Black women are missing in the media, viewers are left with little real information about the Black woman’s experience, life, and character. Hip hop music has also set the standard of presentation for female rappers as well. Female rappers who have debuted in the last 20 years invoke the power the same sexual images and presentations as the male rappers do. More recent female rap artists like Nikki Minaj have amplified the hyper-sexual stereotype about Black women with her sexually charged lyrics, provocative style of dress, and various implants to enlarge her breasts and buttocks, looking not unlike Saartjie Baartman and the many beautiful women of Africa. Artists who pre-date Nikki Minaj, like Lil’ Kim and Foxy Brown, debuted in a similar fashion, using their sexuality through lyrics and risque media poses in which they were almost always scantily clad, to propel their careers. These female rappers only serve to further push the music industry’s agenda to denigrate women, Black women in particular, by buying into and proudly displaying the very stereotypical behaviors that function to keep hyper-sexualized images of Black women in the minds of viewers. Female rappers serve the same purpose as those women dancing in hip hop videos: to push the sexual agenda of a sexist music industry. However, the message delivered through female rappers is pronounced solely due to the fact that the artist is a female who is promoting a hegemonic patriarchal message. The sexual nature of hip hop in general is made more acceptable if the objects of sexual exploitation, women, also become hip hop stars. Lastly, the current female hip hop stars are adopting images of beauty from childhood icons such as Barbie, as is the case with Nikki Minaj. The adaptation of Barbie for the purpose of hip hop is a clear indication that there is an agenda to capture all viewers’ minds to believe the images they are presented with about Black women. The most effectual approach to challenging the erroneous and negative images of Black women in the media is for those who are aware and knowledgeable to expose the falsehoods of the pervasive stereotypes and ideas about Black women. Bibliography Frith, Susan. â€Å"Searching for Sara Baartman. † Johns Hopkins Magazine, June 2009. http://www. jhu. edu/jhumag/0609web/sara. html (accessed April 20, 2013). â€Å"The Hottentot Venus. † Accessed April 22, 2013. http://whgbetc. com/mind/hottentot_venus_emory. html. Payton, Brenda. â€Å"Sorority Sisters Combat Explotiative Rap Images. † Daily Review (Hayward, CA). 4 July 2004. Pilgrim , David. â€Å"Jezebel. † Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia. . http://www. ferris. edu/jimcrow/jezebel. htm (accessed April 23, 2013). Clemlyn-Ann , Pollydore, and Jennifer A. Richeson. â€Å"Affective Reactions of African-American Students to Stereotypical and Counterstereotypical Images of Blacks in the Media.. † Journal of Black Psychology. no. 3 (2002): 261-275. Simmonds, Felly Nkweto. â€Å"’She’s Gotta Have It’: The Representation of Black Female Sexuality on Film. † Feminist Review. (1988): 10-22. http://www. jstor. org/discover/10. 2307/1395143? uid=3739936&uid=2129&uid=2&uid=70&uid=4&uid=3739256&sid=21102132644181 (accessed April 22, 2013).

Challenges Facing Managers in Change Process

There are change management models and research still relevant for the 21st Century. The problem however is not with their relevance or their worth, the problem and challenge facing organizational leaders, organizational development experts and researchers relate to the speed and complexity of change required today. (Mildred Golden Pryor, Sonia Taneja, John Humphreys, Donna Anderson, Liza Singleton – Challenges facing change management 2008). Today, change is constant and organization leaders who anticipate change rapidly and responsibly are successful. However, organizational leaders who anticipate change and invent the future are even more successful because those who invent the game are the leaders in their industry, however there are other organizations that are just followers and adapt to change while there are those that do not even survive. According to MTD Training of 2010, in business, change means moving from one way of doing things to another way of doing them. Not every change has to be managed; every organization will need to make a decision about whether or not to employ change management strategies based, in part on how much risk would be associated with not doing so. Change management is an approach to transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations to a desired future state. It is to make something different. You can cause something to change, or you can bring change upon yourself. (Mildred et al, 2008) The process of change impacts on the whole organization and on all individuals working there. Change processes majorly influence: what the organization does, the way the organization does things, the way all business units of the organization communicate and share information, (Problems in Managing Change, Oliver Recklies). This is the manager’s challenge to make things work. Human resource management has an important role in any change process. Change always needs people: for developing objectives, for identifying the need for change, for developing solutions and for implementing these solutions. Technology can support and influence change, but it can never replace people. Still people are to operate the machines, make and implement decisions, not technology or machines. Another challenge of managing change is that there is no chance to ‘undo’ mistakes once they were made. If you allocate resources in an inefficient way, you still have the option to provide additional resources in order to achieve your objective, but there might be wasted resources due to misallocation. If you once failed to make your employees participate in the change process, motivate them into accepting the changes, you will hardly be able to motivate them again. The figure below shows clearly the complexity and scope of change management: Managing change is a challenge that involves coordinating different areas in the organization and the Human Resource has to help employees own the changes alongside quality management, project management, corporate development and usually with a lot to do in Information Technology to have a new, changed organization. Planning and managing change, both cultural and technological, is one of the most challenging elements of a manager's job (Prosci, Neutralizing change threats in the New Year, 2008). Despite these challenges, managers need to be aware that organizations change in a number of dimensions that often relate to one another and can take any direction in the organization. These dimensions include †¢Extent of planning: Although experts differ about how much change can be planned, managers still need to take steps to set up conditions that permit and even encourage change to occur. Degree of change: Changes may be incremental (relatively small, involving fine?tuning processes and behaviors within just one system or level of the organization) or quantum (significant change altering how a company operates). †¢Degree of learning: This dimension relates to the degree to which organizational members are actively involved in learning how to plan and implement change while helping solve an existing problem. †¢Target of change: Organizational change programs can vary with respect to the hierarchical level or functional area of which the change is targeted. Some changes are designed to influence top management and assist them in becoming stronger leaders. Other change programs may involve basic learning, such as customer services techniques for lower level employees. †¢Organization's structure: If it is very stiff and bureaucratic, there may be a need for emphasis on policies, procedures, and rules. Some organizations are very stiff and bureaucratic and may need to â€Å"loosen up. † Other organizations may suffer from lack of organization structure. They may need to emphasize policies, procedures, and rules. Regardless of which forces that cause organizations to see the need for change, organizational leaders, including managers, continue to struggle to maintain or increase their company’ competitive advantage as rapid changes occur from both the external and internal environments. One of the challenges managers face is successfully implementing initiatives that will lead to change and reactions to the fairness of the change implementation, specifically whether the implementation process was handled fairly or not. Cobb et al – 1995) A 2007 benchmarking study â€Å"Best Practices in Change Management† identified poor support and alignment with middle management as one of the big challenges in managing change. This followed other factors considered as obstacles to change including; ineffective sponsorship and resistance from employees. Managers may resist change and this implies not effectively supporting their employees through change. One of the main culprits for thi s obstacle is the manager dilemma. The manager dilemma is a result of two forces at work on managers and supervisors during times of organizational change. First, managers and supervisors are themselves being impacted by the change and they must embrace, internalize and adopt the change to their own work. Second, they must support their employees during the change as well, helping them to embrace and adopt the new solution. During changes in the organization, the managers are often wearing both the â€Å"agent of change† hat and the â€Å"recipient of change† hat. Add to these challenges the fact that middle and front-line managers are critical to sustaining the day-to-day operations of the business and often feel overloaded with that task alone. This could lead to unprofessional management of stakeholders affected by change. Project teams, support functions (like communication, Human Resource, training and development groups) and senior leaders often only wear the â€Å"agent of change† hat, while front-line employees and those who ultimately adopt the change wear only the â€Å"recipient of change† hat. Managers and supervisors wear both hats and the result being that they have the most difficult role in times of change. Unfortunately, their duel role is often overlooked and neglected to the detriment of project and employee well-being. Workload and speed of change process becomes too big for the manager. Resistance to change is a very big challenge to managers, this is due to reasons like the proposed change ppearing to violate values/ethics or culture generally, the inertia may already exist in the system and change is not easily blended in, the proposed changes may represent uncertainty in different dimensions, there may also be a misunderstanding of proposed changes, fear of loss usually on the side of stake holders, threat of security of organizational members or employees in terms of their jobs, also when personal antagonism exists among group members, when there is lack of confidence in the change sponsor(s) or the change agent(s), lack of participation among team members, fa ilure to see the need for change, when timing is very poor, when there is a disruption of social relationships, at times the proposed change could also upset power balances, resistance may also be due to informal organizational pressure against the change, sometimes a belief that the change is a form of criticism about the way things have been done could cause resistance and sometimes there is a perception that benefits may result if there is a strong resistance to change. Resistance may be a very big challenge that the manager alone may not be able to handle alone. Sometimes managers delegate the whole responsibility to manage the change to employees and only expect to get progress reports from them; this usually may become a very big challenge if things do not go as planned or if the employee does not understand the whole change. The employee does not actually have a responsibility to manage change, the employee's responsibility is to do their best, which is different for every person and depends on a wide variety of factors like health, maturity, stability, experience, personality, motivation, etc. Responsibility for managing change is with management and executives of the organization and they must manage the change in a way that employees can cope with it. The manager has a responsibility to facilitate and enable change, and all that is implied within that statement, especially to understand the situation from an objective standpoint which may mean to ‘step back', and be non-judgemental, and then to help people understand reasons, aims, and ways of responding positively according to employees' own situations and capabilities. Increasingly the manager's role is to interpret, communicate and enable and not to instruct and impose, which nobody really responds to well. Some managers are misunderstood when they introduce change; this is also a challenge that might lead to conflict with employees. Using expressions like mindset change', and ‘changing people's mindsets' or ‘changing attitudes', often indicates a tendency towards imposed or enforced change and it implies strongly that the organization believes that its people currently have the ‘wrong' mindset, which is never the case. If people are not approaching thei r tasks or the organization effectively, then the organization has the wrong mindset, not the people. Change such as new structures, policies, targets, acquisitions, disposals, re-locations, etc. , all create new systems and environments, which need to be explained to people as early as possible, so that people's involvement in validating and refining the changes themselves can be obtained. Management may lack the necessary training, empathy and facilitative capability which are priority areas since managers are crucial to the change process, it becomes a bigger challenge if managers merely convey and implement policies from above without knowing much about them and because people and teams need to be empowered to find their own solutions and responses, with facilitation and support from managers, and tolerance and compassion from the leaders and executives, management and leadership style and behaviour are more important than clever process and policy. Employees need to be able to trust the organization and it becomes the manager’s challenge to ensure there is trust between. Managers must agree and work with these ideas, or change is likely to be very painful, and the best people might be lost in the process. In some situations, when people are confronted with the need or opportunity to change, especially when it's ‘enforced', as they may see it, by the or ganization, they can become emotional and so can the managers who try to manage the change. This challenge may require diffusing the emotional feelings, taking a step back and encouraging objectivity, to enable sensible and constructive dialogue. This is the managers’ and trainers’ challenge to find a solution with help of analogies to assist themselves and other staff to look at change in a more detached way. Just as the state of ‘unconscious incompetence', needs to be developed into ‘conscious competence' to provide a basis for training, so is a person's subjective emotion need to be developed into objectivity before beginning to help them handle change. Some managers are not patience and tolerant enough when managing change and yet it is a challenge where the manager is required to help people in these situations to see things differently, bit by bit. This sort of gradual staged change can be found everywhere in the living world. Strong resistance to change is often rooted in deeply conditioned or historically reinforced feelings that require a lot of patience and tolerance towards the people to whom change is being introduced to, the managers ought to have these qualities if they are to manage the change process effectively. It was discovered that people who easily welcome change are not generally the best at being able to work reliably, dependably and follow processes. The reliability/dependability capabilities are directly opposite character traits to mobility or adaptability capabilities. Managers may face the challenge of such people to ensure they can be reliable. Certain industries and disciplines have a high concentration of staff who need a strong reliability/dependability personality profile, for example, health services and nursing, administration, public sector and government departments, utilities and services; these sectors will tend to have many staff with character profiles who find change difficult and as a manager, to help them into change is your challenge. Age is another factor. Erik Erikson's Psychosocial Theory helps to understanding that people's priorities and motivations are different depending on their stage of life. The manager needs to understand people's needs, at different age levels to better be able to manage change, however, this can be a very big challenge for managers especially dealing with older people who are usually rigid and do not believe anything other than what they already know. People's strengths and weaknesses differ and not everyone welcomes change. It requires time to understand the people you are dealing with, and how and why they feel like they do, before you take action, but the manager may not have that time especially if they are faced with such a rapidly changing world, where a delay might give competitors a chance to override and gain a very big competitive edge. This may be a challenge that requires high skill level and competence for the manager. Managers today have a challenge of fast changing environments where by planning, implementing and managing change in a fast-changing environment is increasingly the situation in which most organizations now work. Dynamic environments such as these require dynamic processes, people, systems and culture, especially for managing change successfully, effectively optimizing organizational response to market opportunities and threats. Some organizations may not have capacity to be dynamic due to different reasons and therefore managers face the bigger challenge. In his book, Change management, 2010, Prof. Dr. Olaf Passeheim identified a challenge due to technological changes today. The International and dynamic situation of the global market has created a big need for change, and this has created a challenge of deregulations which have increased the competitive pressure and minimized monopoly power. Managers today work in such very rapid environment where the organization itself might not be in a position to go with the pace, for example, telecommunication companies like MTN, if it does not have financial capacity to afford the required equipments and software that go with the trend or the required skills to operate them. In any case, the manager has to find a way, or lose the game, an impact that may last and could permanently damage the company. Economic ups and downs are a big challenge, they have such a huge impact on organizations and markets for example, the most recent financial crisis that led to cutbacks and reduced employment, managers face the challenge of neutralizing the situation and making necessary change decisions to cope with the situation. (Passeheim – Change Management 2010) Changes in an organization where workforce is never static for example due to changes in gender, age, education, in and out employees create challenges for managers to go with changes because there will always be a need to redesign work, jobs and working groups, to ensure matching job requirements and skills. High financial costs of replacing, upgrading or buying new equipments which the organization may not be in position to procure, this will delay change process for a cost restrictive business. New systems may also fail and the organization is forced to sell the new equipments at reduced prices, pay employees for redundancy or dismiss them with a package because computers replaced them, training that comes with a cost, managers may have to resist implementation of any changes to cut on the costs involved, a decision that might challenge his capacity as a manager. Lack of analysis of strategic and operative challenge in changing the organization, some managers might blindly decide to make changes without analyzing the weight it holds. Some managers consider strategic plans unimportant and in a way ignore what the operative system is like, changes that are not strategically planned may become disastrous as things are only done as they come, operations may be guess work and yet change is something to be handled with care. There may be some unprofessional use of methods in change process as a result. Insufficient problem awareness, if the manager is trying to go through a change process, but does not exactly know the current problems that may have led to the need for change, it will be a very big challenge for him to make the right and appropriate decisions to implement the changes. Insufficient communication in the organization, if departments and employees do not freely and regularly communicate and even the manager is not interactive enough with employees, yet they ought to know what goes on around, change might come as a surprise for many who may not know why it came, many might resist it or just follow blindly and this could greatly compromising quality. Lack of control by managers, it is a challenge if the manager does not have control over employees, operations, systems due to several factors like limitation from superiors or lack of control skills. In such situation, the manager will find it difficult to even bring about change in the organization. Managing through Change – MTD Training and ventus publishing 2010, suggests other challenges that managers are likely to face in the change process, these include thus: ?Key staff may leave Market place changes may make your new initiative more urgent or less important ?Budget cuts may put a freeze on resources that u are dependant upon for implementation of change ?Legal regulations or requirements might change requiring an adoption to your plan ?Consumer response may fail to meet expectations requiring to reconsider your choice ?Competitors may act in ways that require you to revisit your objectives or vision ?Unexpected technology barrier may arise ?Costs, time, requirements or staff hour requirements may begin to exceed estimates. As manager, facing the above discussed challenges, one may have to scale back, expand or abort the change and any expected outcomes. Flexible is an essential requirement if the company is to survive in a competitive world today.